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Mehr Infos über The Mystery of Easter IslandThe Mystery of Easter Island
PART I THE VOYAGE TO EASTER ISLAND CHAPTER I THE START Why we went to Easter Island-The Building and Equipping of the Yacht-The Start from Southampton-Dartmouth-Falmouth CHAPTER II THE VOYAGE TO SOUTH AMERICA A Gale at Sea-Madeira-Canary Islands-Cape Verde Islands-Across the Atlantic CHAPTER III BRAZIL Pernambuco-Bahia-Cabral Bay-Cape Frio-Rio de Janeiro-Porto Bello-A Pampero CHAPTER IV ARGENTINA The River Plate-Buenos Aires, its Trade and People CHAPTER V PATAGONIA Port Desire-Eastern Magellan Straits-Punta Arenas-Western Magellan Straits-Patagonian Channels CHAPTER VI CHILE Refitting at Talcahuano-Trip to Santiago and across the Summit of the Andes-Valparaiso-To Juan Fernandez-Typhoid on Board-Back to Chile-Juan Fernandez again CHAPTER VII JUAN FERNANDEZ The Island-Selkirk-Anson-Fate of the Dresden CHAPTER VIII LIFE ON BOARD PART II EASTER ISLAND CHAPTER IX ARRIVAL AT EASTER ISLAND First Impressions-The Story of the El Dorado-Mana despatched CHAPTER X CONDITIONS OF LIFE ON THE ISLAND Description of the Island-Accommodation-Climate-Food-Labour CHAPTER XI A NATIVE RISING A Declaration of Independence-Cattle-raiding-A Mission which failed-Bad to Worse-Arrival of a Chilean Warship CHAPTER XII A GERMAN BASE A Visit from Von Spee-First news of the War-S.R. goes to Chile-The Prinz Eitel Friedrich-Return of Mana-Departure of the Expedition CHAPTER XIII PREHISTORIC REMAINS AHU OR BURIAL-PLACES Form of the Easter Island Image-Position and Number of the Ahu-Design and Construction of the Image Ahu-Reconstruction and Transformation-The Semi-pyramid Ahu-The Overthrow of the Images and Destruction of the Ahu CHAPTER XIV PREHISTORIC REMAINS (continued) STATUES AND CROWNS Rano Raraku, its Quarries and Standing Statues-The Southeast Face of the Mountain-Isolated Statues-Roads-Stone Crowns of the Images CHAPTER XV NATIVE CULTURE IN PRE-CHRISTIAN TIMES Sources of Information: History, Recent Remains, Living Memory-Mode of Life: Habitations, Food, Dress and Ornament-Social Life: Divisions, Wars, Marriages, Burial Customs, Social Functions CHAPTER XVI NATIVE CULTURE IN PRE-CHRISTIAN TIMES (continued) Religion-Position of the Miru Clan-The Script-The Bird Cult-Wooden Carvings CHAPTER XVII CAVES AND CAVE-HUNTING Residential Caves-Caves as Hiding-Places for Treasure-Burial Caves CHAPTER XVIII LEGEND
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ISBN o. Art. Nr:0932813488
Erschinen:1. Februar 1998
Verlag:Adventures Unlimited Press
Typ:Taschenbuch - 438 Seiten
Autor * :Katherine Routledge
Copyright:© 1998-2002, INC. und Tochtergesellschaften
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